I've moved around a bit...always with the understanding that I should "bloom where I'm planted"...{Where GOD plants me!}...God has been gracious to my family over the years and we are most thankful for the latest {and dare I say LAST} move - to the South. These sweet people talk a little different, eat some good food and are the kindest people we've met during our little tour of the U.S.A. :) So what's a Cali girl to do in the South? Well, this blog is all about that! Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hello Old Friend...

On todays Menu:  My Old Friend The Pot Roast.  Nothing fancy, but a recipe I've made for years when I'm looking for a make-ahead meal...especially on a chilly weather day.  Well, Hello New Pot Roast recipe -- thanks to my friend Ree Drummond (aka:  The Pioneer Woman).   First I must tell you that it is still early afternoon - hours from dinner time -- and my kitchen smells amazing!  I feel like it is unfair for me to merely tell you about this yummy dinner...I really should invite y'all to our Kitchen table to eat it yourself!

The recipe is simple.  Almost just like momma taught you (& me)!  I think it's the addition of fresh Rosemary &  Thyme sprigs that make the difference!
                                                          Snow Day
PW "Perfect Pot Roast"

Tomorrow's agenda...  Sign-up for Weight Watchers (yes, the South has gotten to my figure...) AND make
"Penne-Wise Pumpkin Pasta" for my family (I'll be eating something else more figure friendly).  If my taste testers love the pasta, I'll give y'all the recipe!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Made from Scratch...With Love

We've had an eventful Christmas in Tennessee!  We knew that having 18 people in town would be fun and many memories would be made.  Unfortunately, our main memory will be that 17/18 of us got the flu.  Some would say that our holiday was ruined...but it wasn't.  Once again {as so often in life} we had choose whether to laugh or cry.  There was some crying involved...but we chose to laugh more than cry and just continue counting the # of people who shared in this bonding time.  As a result of the illness, food was not a highlight of the last 2 weeks -- Saltine Crackers & Club Soda were the only items on the menu.  BUT, with tummies feeling good again, it was time to open up my favorite cookbook.

With 6 kids sleeping here again I needed something new for breakfast.  They've had it all - Pancakes, Cereal, Smoothies, Eggs, etc.   So I opened up my PW cookbook and knew exactly where to turn.  **Homemade Cinnamon Rolls**  I have never made them from scratch.  In fact, I've never done more than open up my wallet, pay for them, bring them home & heat them up.  Gone are those days of eating store bought Cinnamon Rolls.  The PW ones are easy to make and yield 40-50 rolls in one batch.  Perfect for freezing or giving away to friends.

I began my rolls last night.  I made the dough and stored it in the refrigerator while I got my beauty sleep --  OK, not beauty sleep, more like Survival Sleep to keep up with the kids and dogs!  :)  I woke up at 7:00 and began the filling, rolling, slicing and baking.  Easy Easy Easy!  While the rolls baked, I prepared the Icing and poured it on when they were just out of the oven.  As with any recipe, I follow it precisely the first time then plan to make adjustments the next time.  That is the case with this one.  The rolls were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G...and the Icing was yummy!  In the future, however, I would add a tad less coffee and a bit more Maple to the Icing.  Just a small change.

So there you have it --  6 Kids + 2 Adults + a Gazillion Cinnamon Rolls = A great start to the last day of Christmas Break.