I've moved around a bit...always with the understanding that I should "bloom where I'm planted"...{Where GOD plants me!}...God has been gracious to my family over the years and we are most thankful for the latest {and dare I say LAST} move - to the South. These sweet people talk a little different, eat some good food and are the kindest people we've met during our little tour of the U.S.A. :) So what's a Cali girl to do in the South? Well, this blog is all about that! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


On a PERFECT Fall day I decided to cook dinner before my kids got home from school.  That is always my intention but rarely does it happen...  The afternoon would be PERFECT!  With dinner in the fridge (only needing to be baked), 3 kids happy to be picked up from school, a special treat at Henpeck (a Franklin fave), then off to the Pumpkin Patch.  PERFECT (in theory!).  Pulling out of Henpeck - snacks being consumed - I looked in my rearview mirror and realized that something was happening that was not a part of my PERFECT plan for the afternoon.  I saw flashing lights!  I told the kids to be quiet and keep eating...because I needed to pull over even though I had no idea why.  Once pulled over, the Police Man informed me that I was speeding.  Now, I'm pretty sure that I've said in the past (most likely to my hubby) that I have never gotten a speeding ticket before...Well I can't say that anymore!  My mom always told me, "Never say Never"...and history has proven that correct over & over.  For instance, I will never move from California (ha!) and I would never have a C-Section (3/3).  Anways, back to my almost-PERFECT afternoon with the kids.  Once I had the ticket in hand the tears came.  My daughter unbuckled her seat belt, climbed to where she could reach me and just hugged me!  Thank you God for giving K the gift of mercy.  I needed that hug!  With tears on my face, we proceeded to the Pumpkin Patch.  Upon our arrival, I saw 6 letters that made me sad:  CLOSED.   Yep, it is only open on weekends.  Jacob wanted to find another pumpkin patch, but I decided that I'd spent enough money (expensive ticket) already that day...so we'll get our Pumpkins on Saturday instead! 

The good news is that once I got home I only had to turn on the oven and set the timer for 30 minutes...then dinner was Finished!  I made the Pioneer Woman's recipe of Mac N' Cheese.  This was my 1st time ever making this comfort food - my kids think there is only 1 kind of yummy Mac N' Cheese - Kraft in the box.  My big kids sat and had happy hearts at the table...loading their plate with veggies and the dinner I prepared.  My little guy, B, was concerned that it "looked different".  After a few bites, B exclaimed, "I like it!"    I proceeded to once again remind him of the Green Eggs & Ham book - "I do like them, Sam I Am."    If you have the cookbook, try this recipe.  It was good - not my favorite - but yummy.  I added crumbled bacon on top because...well, everything is better with Bacon!  :)

SO, All in All, my PERFECT day was good.  It was the day God had planned for me.  In it I was shown compassion from my daughter in the form of a hug and I got to teach my kids that we respect authority and admit when we are wrong (even when it's hard). 

I'm a list maker (probably not a surprise)...I'm just going to start leaving some blank lines on my Daily To-Do list to help me remember that there is no such thing as a PERFECT day and that God will add what He knows I need to my schedule.